I also posted this question to the SOAPBuilders list today.  It is really a
WSDL/WSTK/interop question, but I'm hoping someone who has used or helped
develop the WSTK toolkit might have an answer.

WSDL specifies the value of the SOAPAction header at operation level of the
service bindings.  This implies that I should be able to specify a unique
SOAPAction value for each of my operations.  Apache 2.2 client code supports
this by specifying the SOAPAction value as a parameter of the invoke method
of the service.

However, the proxy generator in WSTK (proxygen) generates Java that uses a
single SOAPAction URI for the entire class.  If different SOAPAction values
are specified for each operation, the proxy generator seems to take the last
one it finds and applies it to the class as a whole, so that the different
service methods are 
undifferentiated in the SOAPAction values that they send to the SOAP server.
Isn't this a bug in the proxy generator?  Or am I misinterpreting the WSDL

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