> Don Edberg wrote a programming manual for Futaba,
and it's great! Is there any one that wrote one one
the Stylus????  Most instruction manuals by the
manufactures are not easy to understand.???

--- Barrett Stridiron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On the plus side, having the manuals available
> online is a powerfull sales
> tool.
> >People can check out the manual and drool over all
> the cool features. This
> gets
> >them excited and ready to buy the radio.
> On the minus side, if the manuals are poorly written
> and confusing, people
> might just be turned off your product.  The Stylus
> manual isn't that bad,
> but it can certainly use some improvement.
> Ever read the manual for Futaba's 9Z radios?  Gave
> me a headache... I swear
> they just translated the original engineering notes
> from Japanese and put a
> binder on it!  (They don't publish these online
> either.)
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