>     I have discovered that my Zagi Fixx (that's the "park flyer") will
> and thermals nicely under the right conditions.  So, here's my query:  w/o
> power, the prop on the Zagi still spins as it glides.  I asked the good
> folks at Zagi about a folding prop and was advised the weight of a folding
> prop would be detrimental to performance.  Now, the Fixx uses a geared
> yet the prop still spins during the glide.  I seem to recall from my
> that some rubber powered planes in those days used a prop which would
> "freewheel" after the powered portion of the flight.  What this all boils
> down to is - should I leave well enough alone or invest in a speed control
> with a brake?  Is a freewheeling prop a smaller source of drag than a
> stopped prop?
>     A side note:  I installed a Dean's whip antenna on the Zagi and, so
> have had no range problems.  Might the Deans antenna by an answer for
> carbon fuselages?

Hi Jim,
If a prop is truely freewheeling, it will offer less drag than a stopped
prop. In the case of a prop attached to the shaft of a motor, when the motor
shaft spins, the armature of the motor must also spin. The armature spinning
in the magnetic field of the motor magnets is a generator. A force is
required to keep the armature spinning; the prop is doing work and this
requires the input of energy, energy that is extracted from the air. This
creates more drag, which causes the airplane to fly more slowly.

A speed control with a brake should stop the prop, but I highly doubt that
the increase in performance of your Fixx would merit the expenditure.

Bob Johnson
Fond du Lac, WI

There is an indoor electric fly in Columbus, Ohio on October 11 that I am
planning on attending. If you can free up that day on your schedule, come on
down and help me stir up some air. :)

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