2m woody guys had to get 3mins, and in or out 10' circle 100point  landing.
Unlimited guys 6min same landing.

Unlimited guys had to time the 2m guys and the 2m had to time the  Unlimited 
There was just under 100 competitors (6 total :-)
Little Lee made his time and made his landing too.

Ben Wilson popped his JW Onyx right into lift.
I missed my first 6 by a minute but had what looked like my 2.4 system was  
going into the full landing flap holds....still made the landing.
Second round, two of the 2m's were out with technical problems...and one  was 
short on time, none made a landing.

Ben got out made his time but on  the way in came in too high, tried to 
adjust and got blown off the spot by only  50' or so :-).
I got out too, got my time but on my way in had those crazy nose up  glitches.
Nearly planted it after a low altitude stall in to Ed Wilson or his  truck!  
But got it pulled out and landed it off the mark. (Turns out the  problem was 
not the radio but a broken flap wing connector signal wire...and, oh  you mean 
I should have charged it last nite?...
All in all a lucky day, of gorgeous weather.


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