A little off topic, but on Friday December 23, my Van's RV7 took to the air in Chandler AZ. The RV7 is powered by an ECI IO360 180 hp engine (Lycoming clone), Whirlwind RV200 composite prop and full IFR Garmin avionics stack with 2 axis auto pilot. For fun I put in a XM radio. This is 2 seat, 180mph+ airplane. (www.vansaircraft.com)
The plane took 2.5 years to build. Everything went well except the electronic engine monitoring system went down during the flight. I'm trouble shooting now and hope to have it back in the air next week. The engine ran great with no problems there or with any of the avionics.
I built a box under the turtle deck that can hold two Open Class sailplanes. I hope to make it to some 1 day soaring contests that would have been impractical any other way. I guess I'll just have to drive to the IMAC contests.
Watch the Soaring column in Model Aviation for some photos in a couple of months.
Anyone with some model building experience can build one of these. I know Larry Jolly (RV7) on the soaring side is getting ready to build one  as is Jim Carlton (RV10). Bill Hempel is getting ready to pull the trigger (RV7) and Mike Barbee should be about done with his RV8. There may be others out there too!!
DArwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ

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