Hi All,

I got a shipment of Sopranos in on Friday and they are
all spoken for. I have another order due to be shipped
early May. If you want to get on the wait list let me
know preferably at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have
Trios in stock as well as a few electric front
fuselages for the Soprano.

Due in with the Sopranos in May is a prototype RES 2
meter called Duet. I am having one sent to test and
see if there are needed changes. It will be pod and
boom with the typical Ukranian built up wing and tail.
Shoud be a cute little bugger. It will also be
available in electric version.

Also note that "by May" means it will be shipped to me
in May. Last time it took almost two weeks for Customs
processing and then the shipping label fell off and it
was at my local DHL depot for almost a week until we
found it. Sometimes it can take two weeks to get here,
sometimes not.


Mark Miller
Isthmus Models

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