Last chance to sign up for this specialized Woody only event.

We have 35 enteries, same as this years Mid South  .. who would have
thunk it ..   What makes this event so attractive, it is our seventh
annual and it may very well be the single entry per ch that allows all
the flying you could possibly want that turns guys on to us.  Or it may
be the last great place and event to fly a woody YOU BUILT.  So far we
have several entries on 2.4

Over the last six Wood Crafters we have had something of interest for
everyone, from Fun Flying, Scale Aerotow .. hand built beauties .. to
Hand Launch MOM from Sky Bench Mini Hi Starts  .. to MOM " one of a kind
" launched from Sky Bench Hi Starts .. NON Stop winch launching with
retrievers for fun fly, Ladder, Longest Flight and our Championship.  It
is THE PLACE to fly with other Woody Builders, create new friendships
and keeping in touch with old friends.

This year we changed our usual May date to June, changed our winch
launched Championship to MOM from Sky Bench Small Field Hi Starts, our
ladder to Hi Start Launching and dropped the Scale Aerotow Static
Judging   (Gordon Pearson always won anyway, in case Your wondering who
... Gordon is a past LSF President ).  We will have electric winches for
Fun Flying. 

To see the Wood Crafters info, event entry form :

Nothing but fun at Wood Crafters 08

Home of Wood Crafters

Ray Hayes
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