I too received the Secrets of Thermal Soaring video and watched it last

While Dave Thornburg was way ahead of his time, and did a good job in his
Old Buzzard Soaring Video to explain the "unseen world of air movement" and
"River of Air" concept, much has been learned about air movement (thermals
in particular) the past couple of years due to advances in technology.

In my opinion, Secrets of Thermal Soaring is a much-needed educational
piece, which utilizes modern technology to examine thermals, featuring
great, dirt-filled Dust Devils and color-enhanced video footage, which give
you an actual "visual image" of BIG thermals in motion, which I have not
ever seen before!

Great job Paul Naton!

Pastor Bill

P.S.  I don't think Paul even mentioned the words "slope", DS or "electric".
(I could be wrong.) Very comforting. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Kuhl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 8:32 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Thermal Secrets Video

Received my Thermal Secrets video yesterday, along with the scale soaring
video and a VRQ T shirt. Watched the thermal video twice last night and let
me say, Paul Naton has done a fantastic job on this one!  The graphics are
superb, as is the information. I have read the book "Understanding the Sky"
by Dennis Pagen several times which is a great resource for thermal
information, but still learned many new things from this video.  What really
amazed me is all the video of dust devils of many types and shapes.

Paul, how did you ever find so many dust devils?

Bill Kuhl

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