On Mon, 7 May 2012 20:27:58 +0100 Neil Morgenstern 
<neil.morgenstern.2...@gmail.com> wrote:

NM> They wouldn't be static variables they would be class member variables, so
NM> in your case members of MyClass.

 It's true but in my case MyClass is a singleton so there is no essential
difference between using static/global or member variables. The main
problem is that I still need to keep all these extra variables and write
code copying data to/from them instead of using the real data directly.

 It would be really much better if I could keep a prepared statement but
just rebind the variables used in it. I know that it's not impossible to
implement this as (SOCI-inspired, AFAICS) cppdb library does allow it, see
the last example at http://cppcms.com/sql/cppdb/stat.html, but I don't see
how to do it with SOCI yet... I wonder if I'm really the first person to be
trying to do this? If so, why? Am I perhaps missing something and it's
simply not worth trying to cache the prepared statements (e.g. because
database keeps such cache internally anyhow)?

NM> If you really are doing this a lot and want to optimise, consider using the
NM> vector option.

 I can't do this, the values are read one by one and more or less
unpredictably. I was just trying to save on the statement preparation here
but, again, perhaps it's not really even worth doing it. I still find it
strange if it's really not supported, I was hoping that I was just missing
the right way to do it.


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