On Fri, 7 Feb 2020 20:47:56 +0000 Andrew Grafham <andrew.graf...@gmail.com> 

AG> Should it be possible to do the following but with std::string instead of
AG> int? (Example taken from here -
AG> http://soci.sourceforge.net/doc/release/3.2/statements.html )

 I'm not completely sure, to be honest, but I think that ideally it should
be, especially if it works for the backends other than ODBC.

AG> // Example 3.
AG> void fill_ids(std::vector<std::string>& ids)
AG> {
AG>    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i)
AG>       ids[i] = std::to_string(i); // mimics source of a new ID
AG> }
AG> const int BATCH_SIZE = 25;
AG> std::vector<std::string> ids(BATCH_SIZE);
AG> statement st = (sql.prepare <<
AG>                 "insert into numbers(value) values(:val)",
AG>                 use(ids));
AG> for (int i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
AG> {
AG>     fill_ids(ids);
AG>     st.execute(true);
AG> }
AG> In the ODBC backend, it seems to not bind directly to the strings, and at
AG> prepare time it copies the string data into a buffer, which isn't
AG> refreshed.

 It's not really obvious, however, how to fix this, i.e. at which time
should the data passed to ODBC be updated. I guess it needs to be done
before (every) call to execute() somehow.


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