
 Latest SOCI release, 4.0.3, has just been made available. This release
contains several bug fixes but remains fully compatible with the previous
4.0.x releases and doesn't introduce any new requirements, so updating to
it should be quick and simple. Please see


for the list of the notable changes.

 The release archives are available at Source Forge:


or also on GitHub, using v4.0.3 tag.

 The documentation for the latest release is available online at


and also included in the release archives above.

 We'd like to thank the following people for contributing to this release:

Denis Arnaud
Dmitry Arkhipkin
gaocheng3 (at asiainfo.sg)
Ilya Sinitsyn
Juan Jose Castellanos
Lorenz Brun
Lukas Zanner
Mariana Meireles
Matheus Gabriel Werny de Lima
Mathäus Mendel

please see the AUTHORS file for the full list of contributors.

 We hope you will find this release useful!

Vadim Zeitlin on behalf of SOCI development team

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