
Due to organizational changes within the broader Berkeley hacker/scientist
community, the D-Lab is hosting a new working group:

*Social Computing*

Friday, January 30th, 3:30-5:30pm in Barrows 356 will be the first meeting
of *Social Computing*, a D-lab hosted working group for friendly folks
computing with social data. It is a place to share your knowledge (through
lightning talks and tutorials), practice new skills and technologies, and
co-work in a supportive environment. The first meeting will be one part
introductions, one part organization, and one part co-working time.

*Questions and answers:*

*Q: Is this for Python people?*
A: Yes, but not exclusively any more.

*Q: Is it 'social' as in social science, or social as in
A: Both!

*Q: I'm a scientist with hacking aspirations who does not work with social
data. Should I come to Social Computing?*
A: You are welcome to, but it might not be as pertinent to your interests
as other groups. Have you considered attending The Hacker Within?

*Q: What is 'social data'?*
A: Text, social networks, geographic data pertaining to things that people
have done or do, biological sensor data when more than one person is
involved. Behavioral data from the web or a lab. 'Social' might extend to
robots that interact socially, such as within social media.
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