The correct citation for the Wired article on 
Julian Simon is at

The NYT article on Lomborg is at

Some parenthetical comments relating to these 

The displacement of labor displaces the incomes 
that were formerly going to labor even if that 
labor is being displaced into alternative
employment.  That displaced income accrues to 
capital as increasing profits to the 
entrepreneurs who introduce the labor saving
technology, but does not automatically translate 
into proportionally increasing income to the 
"owners" of capital.  So the "ownership solution" 
is no solution at all.  No fund exists from
which "full payout" of earnings can be
paid from profits inasmuch as profit accues
to capital (or "net worth") and does not exist
in the form of money.  A system with fully
coopoerative ownership would require the
social credit dividend as much as the
present system to achieve technical
efficiency in the financial sense inasmuch
as the dividend is nothing an accounting 
adjustment to make everything mesh.

The displacement of resources reduces the
incomes of consumers exactly like the
displacement of labor reduces the incomes
of consumers in respect to the costs of 
production that are charged to consumers in 
retail prices, inasmuch as the displaced 
resources are owned by people who derive 
incomes through their ownership of the 

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