To all Members:

Social Credit aims for a consumer-motivated economy in the greatest 
possible sense.  The Social Credit conception of "economic democracy" 
lies in exercise of maximal, effective consumer choice ("money votes") 
rather than in the ownership and/or administration of productive 
enterprise. It does not aim for any state-directed, restrictive, 
rationing policy such as represented by Food Stamps.  My understanding 
is that the new consumption credits are to enter the money flows in an 
entirely transparent and undifferentiated ("fungible" as Bill has said 
on occasion) manner and I have no reason to think otherwise.  

Social Credit aims to promote optimal individual, local, provincial (or 
state), and national sovereignty and it is assumed that under normal 
circumstances this involves a shift which maximizes power and/or 
independence away from central authority toward the individual.  Social 
Credit stands for national sovereignty among nations and the right to 
assert authority over its internal matters.  

I think Douglas indicated that restraint might have to be put on the 
activities of currency speculators and I hoped that his essay on "The 
Gold Standard" (posted recently) would introduce some realism into the 
issue.  I am somewhat surprised that there has been so little response 
(only one) on Topica, even from Bill.  Of course, some on the group 
discussion  are not seasoned Social Crediters and others sometime appear 
even to have their own agendas, or are simply still trapped in orthodox 

As Munson and others have stated, when approaching Social Credit, it is 
best to wipe away the old cobwebs of thought and start from a clean 
slate.  As Douglas said, we are attempting to step out of one type of 
civilization into a new type of civilization.  To me this involves, in 
modern jargon, a real and not an apparent "paradigm shift."  For some 
minds, this is just much too "radical" or unfamiliar to accept--or even 
to fathom.


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