John, I could answer your question "off the cuff" but 
would rather put it to the members of the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list , which has several 
capable economist members.

I am separately sending you an invitation to join the 

On my end I will do some research so I can reply from 
an informed basis.

--------- Forwarded Message ---------

DATE: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 22:56:15
To: William B.Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Bill,

Haven't been in communication with you for a while, however thought you 
might be able to help me with this one. I have a question about American 
banks. How do they survive and make a working profit with interest rates 
currently running at one per cent? The Japanese banks have been running at 
almost zero for a long time, but it is no secret they are being propped up 
by the taxpayer. Can something similar be true in the US? Surely not!  I 
realise that they gain about 25% of their income from fees and charges, but 
that leaves 75% to be accounted for. Perhaps the increased volume of loans 
in recent times accounts for part of the 75%, however it remains a mystery 
to me. Have the commercial banks diversified their spread of other 
investments to such an extent that they no longer need much interest income 
in order to prosper?

John Hermann
(Adelaide, Australia)

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