Misstatements of fact:

"For some reason, I was added to the list and 
starting receiving its emails."

Professor Gunning himself subscribed to the list at 
Topica.  He was sent an invitation to which he 
replied affirmatively.  Topic software then 
automatically sent a confirmation message to which he 
again replied affirmatively for a second time.  Only 
at that point did Topica begin to transmit 
socialcredit messages to him.

"Bill claimed to be an economist."

I never claimed to be an economist.  You will not 
find that claim in any message that I have ever 
posted to the list socialcredit.  Nor have I ever 
privately communicated that claim to Professor 
Gunning.  Having said that, it should be noted that 
the "austrians" have a traditional proclivity for 
withholding the term from anyone but themselves and 
their close relatives.  This follows Mises who 
assigned the term only to the "austrians" and their 
predecessors.  Which seems incongruous since 
Professor Mises' own advanced academic credentials 
were in law, not economics.

"I don't know why he posted the message here."

I am a list subscriber.  I responded to a message 
posted to this list that directly related to social 
credit that contained several gross misstatements of 

"So, hopefully, we will be spared future cross-

So much for an open mind.  And -- So much for 
considering "austrian" economics to be anything other 
than cultic pseudo-science.  It is very much faith 
based, as is evident from Gunning's commentary in the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] archives.  I will compile 
them and post a link to them later.  

For an example of the methodology, take note of his 
response to my message.  It does not address even a 
single substantive point I made in my message.  
Merely an "apology" for list members having to endure 
my "cross posting" followed by further misstatements, 
this time about myself personally.

I do sincerely thank Professor Gunning for an 
interesting and informative discussion.

I will be cross posting this message to 

Bill Ryan

-----original message-----
Date:   Tue, 18 Nov 2003 11:12:50 +0800
From:   Pat Gunning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:        Re: [Austrian School of Economics] a creature called rabbit
Reply To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear list:

The posting by Bill Ryan relates to a debate we have been having on a
different list -- the "Social Credit" list, which he moderates. For some
reason, I was added to the list and starting receiving its emails. Since
I had not heard of this "Social Credit"  idea and since I have a strong
interest in credit, I asked a few questions. Bill claimed to be an
economist. One email led to another and another and eventually he and I
were engaged in a debate. The final result was a complete impasse, as
evidenced by the message relating to the Fed's ability to control the
amount of bank money creation. He denied this; I affirmed it.

Bill posted his message to his list and to this one. I don't know why he
posted the message here. However, I have since unsubscribed to his list.
So, hopefully, we will be spared future cross-postings.

Sorry :-[

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