On 3/6/06, Thomas Rosenblatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm interested with the Sofia DNS Resolver. I'm studying it, and I have
> some questions about it:
> What is its policy concerning multiple DNS nameserver ?
> I mean, if we have several DNS nameserver, how does the resolver balance
> the load ?
> If the first DNS nameserver is not avaiable and comes avaiable after ,
> will it be used?

Resolver tries to use first nameserver, and if that does not answer,
goes to second one. If the new resolver answers, sresolv sticks to
that one: all future requests are sent to it.

Currently, we do not support "options" in resolv.conf at all. It is
probably what we should do, try to parse options just like bind/libc
and use them.

Pekka.Pessi mail at nokia.com

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