Alternatively use MeshLab or Houdini’s PolyDoctorSOP to fix it all, they tend 
to do a good job so worth testing before developing carpal tunnel syndrome.


> On 1 Jun 2018, at 23:02, Matt Lind <> wrote:
> I distinctly remember looking at cityscape scenes in XSI a number of years 
> ago when another user had similar problems.
> If memory serves, the geometry is horribly corrupt and each material was 
> duplicated per polygon or polygon cluster. There were winged edges with more 
> than 3 polygons sharing the same edge, normals facing both ways on the same 
> polygon, etc. Not at all surprised you're having problems.
> Although editing the geometry in XSI induced a lot of crashes, it was 
> necessary to fix the problem. Also removing the userNormals property helped 
> with shading issues. Finally, performing a delete unused materials combined 
> with a simple script to merge/consolidate redundant materials cleaned up the 
> rest.
> Since you're doing it all in Maya, I suspect you have the same problems. 
> First check the geometry for user normals, or whatever Maya's equivalent is. 
> If they exist, remove them. That should remove most of the problems. Then go 
> into the geometry and unshare those winged edges and leave them as discrete 
> polygons. That shouldn't have any negative affect on the rendered result. 
> Finally, write a script to scan all the objects to see which shader nodes 
> they're using and do a ‘diff’ between them as the shaders are likely 
> duplicate copies. Once you find a duplicate, unshare it and replace it with 
> the original copy.
> A lot of elbow grease, but should fix the problems in the end.
> Matt
> Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 21:14:26 +0000 From: “Ponthieux, Joseph G. 
> (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]”<> Subject: A pain in the Arnold… 
> To: “”
> Howdy yall,
> I thought I would post here before I escalate this but… Arnold on Maya 2018 
> is producing an error in render…
> I've got an ESRI City Engine scene imported into Maya 2018, It was working 
> fine under Maya 2017 and rendering fine in Mental Ray. But mental Ray is gone 
> now.
> It renders in the Maya Software render fine.
> In Arnold it produces what looks like triangulation (Tessellation) errors 
> rendering some triangles darker than others.
> It only produces the problem on materials with texture maps.
> Disconnecting the textures from the diffuse color removes the problem. But 
> removes the texture also. But this seems to indicate its not a lighting, 
> normals, or shading error.
> I've turned literally everything in Arnold settings off or neutral and no 
> change.
> Its not shadows, nor anti-aliasing, nor duplicate polygons, nor a bad mesh.
> Forcing a triangulate on the mesh can make different triangles darker but the 
> problem does not go away.
> All reflections, shadows, motion blur, etc have been turned off in Maya and 
> Arnold for Render Settings and Object. No change.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks Joey
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