Eric's comment below that video brought a tear to my eye.......

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2015 13:07:05 -0400
Subject: Re: wispy sprite in ice

 Thanks for the great suggestions Olivier. Slipstream was my first solution but 
I'm waiting on support to resolve activation issues so it may have to be 
emFluid for now. I do have a good machine to work with (xeon e5-2643 w/2x 
quadro k5200's) so I'm not worried about performance. 

For the setup, I'm thinking of a simple rigged sphere and some strands for the 
tendrils with emFluid waste emanating from the ball and strands for the effect. 
I haven't seen any of the emFluid 5 demo scenes using strands so I'm not sure 
how the ice tree would look yet. I'm flying by the seat of my pants here :0}.


On September 10, 2015 at 2:37 AM Olivier Jeannel <> wrote:

Playing a cache from an emfluid sim seems the good heavy way.
 In sim i'd play with exocortex slipstream which produces nice blobby curvy 
smokes and cigarette smoke very easily.
 Maybe less realistic, but I liked the control.
 Also now you could try Oleg's ExplosiaFX.
Le 10 sept. 2015 00:03, "Rares Halmagean" <> a écrit :
Hello Fellow Softies, 

I'm tasked with look developing a spirit like creature with soft wispy smoke 
like characteristics. It's tear shaped and consists of a spherical body and an 
articulating tail.

Here's the reference:

This seems like a simple enough challenge except my ice knowledge is basic. 
This would be for a non commercial job and  I have by friday to come up with a 
look. I'm currently looking into emFluids (this look is right on), but a native 
ice solution is welcome. The result would probably need to be cached out and 
rendered with max and mr/vray, although there's a limited 10 softimage render 
nodes available. I'm working to reverse engineer some of the great work done on 
the cuddly photonic explosions linked above, only I need t applied in a 
controlled fashion to an animated character. Thanks in advance for any ideas on 
what an ice solution would look here. 





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