Dear Alain, Yiu,

Is there any plan to update the DS-Lite draft to take into account the comments 
received so far and to make this document progress?


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 18 août 2010 21:48
Cc : Rémi Després; Softwires; Ralph Droms
Objet : Re: [Softwires] dual-stack-lite-06 - Too biased against static port 

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   We have raised this point during the last call which has been
   issued on version 03 of the draft and suggested to remove this
   section from the draft since it is not normative and also because
   this depends on the taste of each SP and their deployment
   context. A reference to
   would be sufficient IMHO. "Dynamic vs. Static" and "Port set
   vs. Individual ports" discussion can be elaborated further in
   draft-intarea-shared-addressing-issues if required.
=> IMHO it is the best option (and to make the draft smaller is
a good goal :-).


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