Re:How to modify solr results programmatically

2008-05-21 Thread khirb7
hello I am awfully sorry to post this message again with the same content but with a different title, I have done that because I found the title how to add a new parameter to solr requestthat I have given to my last post don't reflect really what I want to do, so I prefer posting it gain with

how to add a new parameter to solr request

2008-05-20 Thread khirb7
Hello every body I want to modify a little bit the behaviour of Solr and I want to know if it is possible; Here is my problem : I give to Solr document to index which UniqueKey Field is based on the Url and the Time at which the croawler downloaded it so UniqueKey is a digit obtained like

Re: how to add a new parameter to solr request

2008-05-20 Thread khirb7
hello every body I want just to add this example to be more clear. I have this result from solr. result name=response numFound=7 start=0 maxScore=0.59129626 − doc str name=id1/str str name=DocUrl str name=date01/01/2008/str /doc − doc str name=id2/str str

Problrm Highlighting

2008-04-15 Thread khirb7
hello every body Here is my problem : when using highlighting solr return only the best fragment (the most relevant section of the document) like this Nicolas Sarkozy naît le 28 janvier 1955 dans le 17e but I want solr to return me not only the best section but the best sections (that I

Re: Highlighting/getBestFragment

2008-04-13 Thread khirb7
Mike Klaas wrote: On 10-Apr-08, at 7:41 AM, khirb7 wrote: I have done deep search and I found that lucene provide this that methode : getBestFragments highlighter.getBestFragments(tokenStream, text, maxNumFragment, ...); so with this methode we can precise to lucene to return


2008-04-10 Thread khirb7
I have done deep search and I found that lucene provide this that methode : getBestFragments highlighter.getBestFragments(tokenStream, text, maxNumFragment, ...); so with this methode we can precise to lucene to return maxNumFragment fragment (with highligted word)of fragsize characters, but