Hi all,
I've been tasked with evaluating whether Solr is the right solution for my
company's search needs.  If this isn't the right forum for this kind of
question, please let me know where to go instead!

We are currently using sql queries to find mysql db results that match a
single keyword in one short text field, so our search is pretty crude.

What we hope that Solr can do initially is:
1 enable more flexible search (booleans, more than one field
searched/matched, etc)
2 live search results (eg new records get added to the index upon creation)
3 search rankings (eg most relevant -> least relevant)
4 categorize our db (take records and at least group them, better if it
could assign a label to each record)
5 locate nearby results (geospatial search)

What I hope you can advise on is:
A How would you go about #2 - making sure that new documents are
added/indexed asap, based on a new rows to the db? Is that as simple as a
setting in Solr, or does it take some coding (eg a listener object, a kron
job, etc.).  I tried looking at the wiki & tutorial but wasn't able to find
answers - I couldn't make sense of how to use UpdateRequestProcessor to do
it. (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UpdateRequestProcessor)
B What's the status of document clustering? The wiki says it's not been
fully implemented. Would we be able to achieve any of #4 yet? If not, what
else should we consider?
C Would you use Solr over say Google Maps api to run location aware
D How long should we expect it to take to configure Solr on our servers
with our db, get the initial index set up, and enable live search results?
 Are we talking one week, or one month? Our db is not tiny, but it's not
huge - say around 8k records in each of ~20 tables. Most tables have around
10 fields, including at least one large text field and then a variety of
dates, numbers, and small text.

I really appreciate any advice you can offer!

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