Daniel Carrasco wrote
> Hello,
> I'm investigating an 8 nodes Solr 7.2.1 cluster because we've a lot of
> problems, like when a node fails to import from a DB (maybe it freeze),
> the
> entire cluster goes down, and other like the leader wont change even when
> is down (all nodes detects that is down but no leader election is
> triggered), and similar problems. Every few days we've to recover the
> cluster because becomes inestable and goes down.
> The last problem that I've got, is three collections that have nodes on
> "recovery" state from a lot of hours, and the log shows an error telling
> that "leader node is not the leader" so I'm trying to change the leader.

Make sure that the clocks on your servers are in sync. Otherwise inter node
authentication tokens could time out which could lead to the problems you
described. You should find hints to the cause of the communication problem
in your Solr logs.

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