Solr spellcheck for words with quotes

2012-08-01 Thread Shri Kanish
Hi , I use solr as search engine for our application. WE have a title Pandora's star. When I give a query as http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=pandora's starspellcheck=true spellcheck.collate=true   I get response as below, - lst name=spellcheck - lst name=suggestions - lst name=pandora

Solr Autosuggest

2012-06-20 Thread Shri Kanish
Hi, I have a question regarding solr Autosuggest. (If this is not the correct link to Post, Please suggest).   I have implemented solr Autosuggest with Suggester component. I have read in a blog saying, Currently implemented Lookups keep their data in memory, so unlike spellchecker data, this