Why would you create an alias with an existing collection name?

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> On Jan 19, 2018, at 14:14, Webster Homer <webster.ho...@sial.com> wrote:
> I just discovered some odd behavior with aliases.
> We are in the process of converting over to use aliases in solrcloud. We
> have a number of collections that applications have referenced the
> collections from when we used standalone solr. So we created alias names to
> match the name that the java applications already used.
> We still have collections that have the name of the alias.
> We also decided to create new aliases for use in our ETL process.
> I have 3 collections that have the same configset which is named
> b2b-catalog-material
> collection 1: b2b-catalog-material
> collection 2: b2b-catalog-material-180117
> collection 3: b2b-catalog-material-180117T
> When the alias, b2b-catalog-material-etl is pointed at b2b-catalog-material
> and the alias b2b-catalog-material is pointed to b2b-catalog-material-180117
> and we do a data load to b2b-catalog-material-etl
> We see data being added to both b2b-catalog-material and
> b2b-catalog-material-180117
> when I delete the alias b2b-catalog-material then the data stopped loading
> into the collection b2b-catalog-material-180117
> So it seems that alias resolution is somewhat recursive. I'm surprised that
> both collections were being updated.
> Is this the intended behavior for aliases? I don't remember seeing this
> documented.
> This was on a solrcloud running solr 7.2
> I haven't checked this in Solr 7.2 but when I created a new collection and
> then pointed the alias to it and did a search no data was returned because
> there was none to return. So this indicates to me that aliases behave
> differently if we're writing to them or reading from them.
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