how to fetch qyery feild + other feild related results in Lucene3.6

2013-06-22 Thread neeraj shah
Hello, Im using Lucene 3.6.2. and my file, which i indexed ,is something like this : FIELD-1 FIELD-2 FIELD-3 FIELD-4 DOC1: A ABC DOC2: B ABC DOC3: C ABC DOC4: D ABC DOC5: E WWW ABC DOC6: F DEF DOC7: G DEF DOC8: H D

how to reterieve all results from lucene method

2013-06-19 Thread neeraj shah
hello, Is there any way to get all the search result. In lucene we get top documents by giving the limit like top 100,1000... etc. but if i want to get all results. How can I achieve that?? Query qu = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_36,"field", analyzer).parse(query); TopDocs hits = searcher.