Hi all,

We’re really proud to release the first official major release of Lily
- our flagship repository for scalable data and content management,
after 18 months of intense engineering work. We’re thrilled being
first to launch the first open source, general-purpose,
highly-scalable yet flexible data repository based on NOSQL/BigData
technology: read all about it below.


Lily is a data and content repository made for the Age of Data: it
allows you to store and manage vast amounts of data, and in the future
will allow you to monetize user interactions by tracking and analyzing
audience data.

Lily makes Big Data easy with a high-level, developer-friendly data
model with rich types, versioning and schema management. Lily offers
simple Java and REST APIs for creating, reading and managing data. Its
flexible indexing mechanism supports interactive and batch-oriented
index maintenance.

Lily is the foundation for any large-scale data-centric application:
social media, e-commerce, large content management applications,
product catalogs, archiving, media asset management: any data-centric
application with an ambition to scale beyond a single-server setup.

Lily is dead serious about Scale. The Lily repository has been tested
to scale beyond any common content repository technology out there,
due to its inherently distributed architecture, providing economically
affordable, robust, and high-performing data management services for
any kind of enterprise application.

>For whom

Lily puts BigData technology within reach of enterprise and corporate
developers, wrapping high-care leading-edge technology in a
developer-and administrator-friendly package. Lily offers the
flexibility and scalability of Apache HBase, the de-facto leading
Google BigTable implementation, and the sophistication and robustness
of Apache SOLR, the market leader of open source enterprise and
internet search. Lily sits on the shoulders of these Big Data
revolution leaders, and provides additional ease of use needed for
corporate adoption.


Lily builds further upon the best data and search technology out
there: Apache HBase and SOLR. HBase is in use at some of the largest
data properties out there: Facebook, StumbleUpon and Yahoo! SOLR is
rapidly replacing proprietary enterprise search solutions all over the
place and is one of the most popular open source projects at the
Apache Software Foundation. We're thankful for the developer
communities working hard on these projects, and strive hard to
contribute back where possible. We're also appreciative of the
commercial service suppliers backing these projects: Lucid Imagination
and Cloudera.


Everything Lily can be found at www.lilyproject.org. Enjoy!


The Lily team @ http://outerthought.org/

Scalable Smart Data, made Easy
Makers of Kauri, Daisy CMS and Lily

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