Hi folks,

I am using solr 8.5.0 in standalone mode and use the CoreAdmin API and
Schema API of solrj to create new core and its fields in managed-schema
Is there any way to add several fields to managed-schema by solrj without
processing each by each?

The following two rows make the job done by 4sec/field which is
extremely slow:
SchemaRequest.AddField schemaRequest = new
SchemaResponse.UpdateResponse response =  schemaRequest.process(solrC);

The core is empty as the field creation is the part of the core creation
process. The schema API docs says:
It is possible to perform one or more add requests in a single command. The
API is transactional and all commands in a single call either succeed or
fail together.
I am looking for the equivalent of this approach in solrj.
Is there any?


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