
this is to announce the next Apache Hadoop Get Together sponsored by
JTeam (http://www.jteam.nl) that will take place in newthinking store
in Berlin.

When: October 7th, 5p.m.
Where: Newthinking store Berlin

As always there will be slots of 30min each for talks on your Hadoop
topic. After each talk there will be a lot time to discuss. You can
order drinks directly at the bar in the newthinking store. If you like,
you can order pizza. We will go to Cafe Aufsturz after the event for
some beer and something to eat.

Talks scheduled so far:

Max Heimel: "Hidden Markov Models for Apache Mahout"

Abstract: In this talk I will present and discuss an implementation of
a powerful statistical tool called Hidden Markov Models for the Apache
Mahout project. Hidden Markov models allow to mathematically deduce the
structure of an underlying - and unobservable - process based on the
structure of the produced data. Hidden Markov Models are thus
frequently applied in pattern recognition to deduce structures that are
not directly observable. Examples for applications of Hidden Markov
Models include the recognition of syllables in speech recordings,
handwritten letter recognition and part-of-speech tagging.

Sebastian Schelter: Distributed Itembased Collaborative Filtering with
Apache Mahout"

Abstract: Recommendation Mining helps users find items they like. A
very popular way to implement this is by using Collaborative Filtering.
This talk will give an introduction to an approach called Itembased
Collaborative Filtering and explain Mahout's Map/Reduce based
implementation of it.

Please do indicate on Upcoming
<http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6792156> or on Xing
if you are coming so we can more safely plan capacities. Updates to the
event, a brief summary and videos will be posted on

JTeam is looking for Java developers and search enthusiasts. Check out
their jobs page (http://www.jteam.nl/Jobs/Jobs.html) for more info!

As always a big Thank You goes to newthinking store for providing the
venue for free for our event.

Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin as well,

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