Hey folks,

Some of you might have heard, myself and a small group of other
passionate search technology professionals have been working hard in
the last few months to launch a community site known as
SearchWorkings.org [1]. This initiative has been set up for other
search professionals to have a single point of contact or
comprehensive resource where one can learn and talk about all the
exciting new developments in the world of open source search.

Anyone like yourselves familiar with open source search knows that
technologies like Lucene and Solr have grown tremendously in
popularity over the years, but with this growth there have also come a
number of challenges, such as limited support and education. With the
launch of SearchWorkings.org we are convinced we will overcome and
resolve some of these challenges.

Covering open source search technologies from Apache Lucene and Apache
Solr to Apache Mahout, one of the key objectives for the community is
to create a place where search specialists can engage with one another
and enjoy a single point of contact for various resources, downloads
and documentation.

Like any other community website, content will be added on a regular
basis and community members can also make their own contributions and
stay on top of everything search related too. For now, there is access
to a extensive resource centre offering online tutorials, downloads,
white papers and access to a host of search specialists in the forum.
With the ability to post blog items and keep up to date with relevant
news, the site is a search specialists dream come true and addresses
what we felt was a clear need in the market.

Searchworkings.org starts off with an initial focus on Lucene, Solr &
Friends but aims to be much broader. Each of you can & should
contribute, tell us their search, data-processing, setup or
optimization story. I am looking forward to more and more blogs,
articles and tutorials about smaller projects like Apache Lucy, real
world case-studies or 3rd party extensions for OSS Search components.

have fun,


[1] http://www.searchworkings.org
[2] Trademark Acknowledgement: Apache Lucene, Apache Solr, Apache
Mahout and Apache Lucy respective logos are trademarks of The Apache
Software Foundation. All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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