>I am having bother with forEach. I have XML source documents containing
>many embedded images within mediaBlock elements. Each image has a an
>associated caption. I want to implement a separate image search function
>which searches the captions and brings back the associated image.
> <entity name="x"
>    dataSource="myfilereader"
>    processor="XPathEntityProcessor"
>    url="${jc.fileAbsolutePath}"
>    stream="false"
>    forEach="/record | /record/mediaBlock"
>    >
> <field column="vurl"                             
> xpath="/record/mediaBlock/mediaObject/@vurl" />
> <field column="imgCpation"                       
> xpath="/record/mediaBlock/caption"  />
>Is is OK to have an xpath expression within forEach which is a child 
>of another of the forEach xpath expressions?
Yes. It works fine, duplicate "uniqueKey"s were making it appear otherwise.


Fergus McMenemie               Email:fer...@twig.me.uk
Techmore Ltd                   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets             Analyst Programmer

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