# All advertisements must at least be in the form of executable code ;)
require 'solr'
Solr::Connection.new('http://localhost:8983/ solr', :autocommit=>:on).add({ :id => "SolrCourses",
                           :text => '

Lucid Imagination is now offering Solr Essentials Online Sessions, a series of live, instructor-led on-line short courses designed to get you up to speed fast on Solr, the most popular open source search application development platform.

Solr Essentials 1:
Targeted to application developers unfamiliar with the basic constructs and functions of Solr and the underlying Lucene libraries, Session 1 shows you how to get Solr installed, your data imported and indexed, and how to retrieve the desired results. http://www.lucidimagination.com/How-We-Can-Help/Training/Essential-Solr-Session1

Solr Essentials 2:
Targeted to application developers familiar with the basic constructs and functions of Solr and the underlying Lucene libraries, Session 2 introduces you to operating principles of faceting, tuning, query analysis, and relevance. http://www.lucidimagination.com/How-We-Can-Help/Training/Essential-Solr-Session2

Sign up today! Click here to register:


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