
I have a multicore Solr 1.4 setup.  core_master is a 3.7G master for
replication, and core_slave is a 500 byte slave pointing to the
master.  I'm using the example replication configuration from
solrconfig.xml, with ${enable.master} and ${enable.slave} properties
so that the master and slave can use the same solrconfig.xml.

When I attempt to replicate (every 60 seconds or by pressing the
button on the slave replication admin page), it doesn't work.
Unfortunately, neither the admin page nor the REST API "details"
command show anything useful, and the logs show no errors.

How can I get insight into what is causing the failure?  I assume it's
some configuration problem but don't know where to start.

Thanks in advance for any help!  Config files are below.

Here is my solr.xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><solr sharedLib="lib" persistent="true">
<cores adminPath="/admin/cores" shareSchema="true">
  <core name="core_master" instanceDir="." dataDir="/home/search/solr/data/5">
    <property name="enable.master" value="true" />
  <core name="core_slave" instanceDir="." dataDir="/home/search/solr/data/1">
    <property name="enable.slave" value="true" />

And here's the relevant chunk of my solrconfig.xml:

<requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler" >
    <lst name="master">
        <str name="enable">${enable.master:false}</str>
        <str name="replicateAfter">commit</str>
    <lst name="slave">
        <str name="enable">${enable.slave:false}</str>
        <str name="pollInterval">00:00:60</str>

Here's what the "details" command on the slave has to say -- nothing
explanatory that I can see.  Is the "isReplicating=false" worrying?

<lst name="details">

  <str name="indexSize">589 bytes</str>
  <str name="indexPath">/home/search/solr/data/1/index</str>
  <arr name="commits"/>
  <str name="isMaster">false</str>
  <str name="isSlave">true</str>
  <long name="indexVersion">1254772638413</long>
  <long name="generation">2</long>

  <lst name="slave">
    <lst name="masterDetails">
      <str name="indexSize">3.75 GB</str>
      <str name="indexPath">/home/search/solr/data/5/index</str>
      <arr name="commits"/>
      <str name="isMaster">true</str>
      <str name="isSlave">false</str>
      <long name="indexVersion">1254772639291</long>
      <long name="generation">156</long>
    <str name="pollInterval">00:00:60</str>
    <str name="indexReplicatedAt">Wed Oct 14 14:25:22 EDT 2009</str>

    <arr name="indexReplicatedAtList">
      <str>Wed Oct 14 14:25:22 EDT 2009</str>
      <str>Wed Oct 14 14:25:22 EDT 2009</str>
      <str>Wed Oct 14 14:25:21 EDT 2009</str>
      <str>Wed Oct 14 14:24:27 EDT 2009</str>
    <arr name="replicationFailedAtList">
      <str>Wed Oct 14 14:25:22 EDT 2009</str>
      <str>Wed Oct 14 14:25:22 EDT 2009</str>
      <str>Wed Oct 14 14:25:21 EDT 2009</str>
      <str>Wed Oct 14 14:24:27 EDT 2009</str>

    <str name="timesIndexReplicated">1481</str>
    <str name="lastCycleBytesDownloaded">0</str>
    <str name="timesFailed">1481</str>
    <str name="replicationFailedAt">Wed Oct 14 14:25:22 EDT 2009</str>
    <str name="previousCycleTimeInSeconds">0</str>
    <str name="isReplicating">false</str>


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