Hi Solr folks, been a while.

I was experimenting with Spell Checkers and adopted IndexBasedSpellChecker.

It works well, except there is no way to configure *minimum** prefix* like
DirectSolrSpellChecker (it obviously doesn't need any auxiliary index).

I looked at the implementation and understood *DirectSolrSpellChecker *
calculates *FuzzyTermsEnum *on top of the live index. But usage
DirectSolrSpellChecker obviously adds overhead on querying the same index,
the standard queries are made. The overhead depends on the use case.

For e-commerce, what is the recommended way of solving spell check of
incoming queries with a (hardened) minimum prefix chars, e.g.
*mushroom *doesn't
spell check with *washroom *with *IndexBasedSpellChecker*? Is there any? If
not, what is the recommended way apart from using DirectSolrSpellChecker
itself? Thanks in advance.

Amrit Sarkar
Search Engineer
Lucidworks, Inc.
Twitter http://twitter.com/lucidworks
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