Hi Rick,
I don't think the issue is BM25 vs TFIDF (the old similarity), it seems more 
due to the "matching" logic. 

you are asking to match:

"(Action AND Technical AND Temporaries AND t/a AND CTR AND Corporation)"

This (in theory) means that you want to retrieve **only** the documents that 
contain **all* the terms (so just the first) - so bm25 seems to do the right 

Solr allows you to "relax" the requirement, for example using the "mm" 
parameter (see [1] ), could you try to use mm with bm25 and see if it solves 
your problem? 
Are you sure that when you use tfidf you are only changing the similarity and 
not something else? 

Can you try to enable the debug mode (&debugQuery=true) and check in the 
response how the query is processed? (feel free to post here) 


From: solr-user@lucene.apache.org At: 02/26/18 22:39:43To:  
Subject: SOLR Similarity Difference


I’m converting SOLR 4.10.2 to SOLR 7.1 
I have the following three strings in both SOLR cores 
Action Technical Temporaries t/a CTR Corporation 
Action Technical Temporaries 
Action Technical Temporar 
If I search  
IDX_CompanyName: (Action AND Technical AND Temporaries AND t/a AND CTR AND 
Under 4.10.2 I see all three in the results 
Under 7.1, with the default BF25 similarity. I only see the first result 
Someone on the list suggested that make 7.1 to go back to the similarity 
factory used in 4.10.2 that I add the following to the schema.xml. 
That brings all three results. 
But my boss would prefer that we don’t use the older similarity factory. 
Is there some setting other than similarity factory that will make 7.1 include 
these documents without changing the query? 
Rick Hodder 
Information Technology 
Navigators Management Company, Inc. 
83 Wooster Heights Road, 2nd Floor 
Danbury, CT  06810 
(475) 329-6251 

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