On 5/17/2010 3:34 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
I am looking at SOLR-788, trying to apply it to latest trunk. It looks like that's going to require some rework, because the included constant PURPOSE_GET_MLT_RESULTS conflicts with something added later, PURPOSE_GET_TERMS.

How hard would it be to rework this to apply correctly to trunk? Is it simply a matter of advancing the constant to the next bit in the mask? There's been no discussion on the issue as to whether the original patch or the alternate one is better. Does anyone know?

I could not make the original patch work. I did get it to apply, but it would not compile. With some massaging, the alternate patch applied, compiled, and seems to have passed all junit tests as well. Considering that it's nearly 2 AM here, I will play further tomorrow. I did have one question that I hope someone can answer. It looks like the DIH has been moved outside the war file into separate jars that I will have to ensure are in the lib directory. Is that an accurate statement?


  • SOLR-788 Shawn Heisey
    • Re: SOLR-788 and merged trunk Shawn Heisey

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