I've worked with a lot of different Solr implementations, and one area that
is emerging more and more is using Solr in combination with other "big data"
solutions. My company, Lucid Imagination, has added a two-day course to our
upcoming Lucene Revolution conference, "Scaling Search with Big Data and
Solr", that covers Hadoop & Solr, on May 23-24 - it'll be at Lucene
Revolution in San Francisco (the conference is on May 25-26 -- see

Description: "The class covers Hadoop from the ground up, including
MapReduce, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), cluster management,
etc., before continuing on to connect it to Solr. Students will study common
use cases for generating search indexes from big data, typical patterns for
the data processing workflow, and how to make it all work reliably at scale.
We will explore in-depth an example of processing 1 billion records to
create a faceted Solr search solution."

This course will be presented on May 23 and 24 at the Lucene Revolution
conference in San Francisco (the conference is on May 25-26 -- see
lucenerevolution.org). Details here:

I've been asked by a lot of Solr users whether Lucid offers anything like
this, so I know there is a lot of interest out there.


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