
I have read the concept of "Learning To Rank".  I see the Example: 

    "name" : "documentRecency",
    "class" : "org.apache.solr.ltr.feature.SolrFeature",
    "params" : {
      "q" : "{!func}recip( ms(NOW,last_modified), 3.16e-11, 1, 1)"
    "name" : "isBook",
    "class" : "org.apache.solr.ltr.feature.SolrFeature",
    "params" : {
      "fq": ["{!terms f=cat}book"]

I want to make feature like q=title:"Test with some GB18030 encoded 
characters". Can I make?
Can I search sentence "test book" in terms like "fq": ["{!terms f=cat}test 

I want to use q and fq same like normal in feature.

Vishal Patel

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