Unfortunately the file request handler does not support bindary file types (yet).

Lance's suggestion of hosting static content in another servlet container context is the best solution for now.


On Feb 15, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Chantal Ackermann wrote:

Hi all,

Google didn't come up with any helpful hits, so I'm wondering whether
this is either too simple for me to grok, or I've got some obvious
mistake in my code.


Images that I want to load in the velocity templates (including those
referenced in CSS/JS files) for the VelocityResponseWriter do not show
up. (CSS/JS files are loaded!)

I am using the following URL (the same as for CSS/JS files (which work

http://server:port/solr/core/admin/file?file=[path to

When I try that URL in my browser (Firefox or Safari on Windows) they do
not return the image correctly. Firefox states that something is wrong
with the image, Safari simply displays the [?] icon.
When I download the file (removing the parameter contentType to get the
download dialog), something is downloaded (> 0KB) but it's a different
format (my image viewer fails to load it).

Has anyone managed to load images that are stored in the SOLR config
directory? Or do I need to move those resources to the webapps solr
folder (I'd rather avoid that)?


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