
there are comments in the example schema files of Solr 6.4.1 about field requirements for DocValues. For example, in server/solr/configsets/basic_configs/conf/managed-schema:

    docValues: [...] they might
       require the field to be single-valued, be required or have a default
value (check the documentation of the field type you're interested in
       for more information)

    <!-- The StrField [...]
       It supports doc values but in that case the field needs to be
       single-valued and either required or have a default value.

    Default numeric field types. [...]

    These fields support doc values, but they require the field to be
    single-valued and either be required or have a default value.

I haven't found these limitations in the reference guide. It states that multi-valued DocValues are stored as SORTED_SET.

Are the comments in the schema outdated? It seems the restrictions have been removed, e.g. with https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-4490 and https://github.com/apache/lucene-solr/commit/d208878c116bb66d6cb114ce51f69b7264ab668a#diff-ecbdc5fb2ccf861a92837e21fb37ace8


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