hi everyone. hope you all had a great christmas!

i'm having trouble converting an example mysql script into a solr query.
here's my preliminary query:

select vendorItem, min(unitPrice), max(unitPrice), -(min(unitPrice) -
> max(unitPrice)) as `diff`
> from transactions
> where orgId IN (x,y,z)
> and vendor LIKE "%FooBar%"
> group by vendorItem, uom
> having count(distinct(facilityId)) > 1
> order by (min(unitPrice) - max(unitPrice));

here's the use case/business need:
some purchasing entities exist within a group. the group organization wants
to see where they are getting hosed on pricing between their child
entities. for instance, entity A pays $100 for a product while entity B
pays $150 for the same product from the same vendor.

i'd conceived of using stats' min and max, faceting, and/or a function
query to determine the difference between min and max from a given result
set and order by it, but have yet to come up w something that seems to work.

any suggestions?


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