That change doesn't have anything to do with where snappuller place the
Is the environment variable data_dir set up correctly in conf/scripts.conf?
That's where
snappuller puts the snapshots.


On 7/12/07, Kevin Lewandowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been running solr replication for several months with no issues
but recently had an instance where snappuller was running for about
1.5 hours. rsync was still active, so it was still copying data. I
also noticed that there was a snapshot.200707xxxx directory inside of
the main index directory.

I'm running an early version of snappuller. Could there have been any
changes to fix a problem like this?

I noticed this one in svn:
revision 529471
"avoid recursive find, test for maxdepth support, filter snapshot
names on master: SOLR-207"


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