solr 4.3, autocommit, maxdocs

2013-07-15 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
I have a solr 4.3 instance I am in the process of standing up. It started out with an empty index. I have in it's solrconfig.xml, updateHandler class=solr.DirectUpdateHandler2 autoCommit maxDocs10/maxDocs openSearcherfalse/openSearcher /autoCommit updateHandler I

Re: solr 4.3, autocommit, maxdocs

2013-07-15 Thread Jason Hellman
Jonathan, Please note the openSearcher=false part of your configuration. This is why you don't see documents. The commits are occurring, and being written to segments on disk, but they are not visible to the search engine because a Solr searcher class has not opened them for visibility. You

Re: solr 4.3, autocommit, maxdocs

2013-07-15 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
Ah, thanks for this explanation. Although I don't entirely understand it, I am glad there is an expected explanation! This Solr instance is actually set up to be a replication master. It never gets searched itself, it just replicates to slaves that get searched. Perhaps some time in the past