Apache/PHP/Perl round robin to Solrcloud question

2016-07-31 Thread GW
I'm a mostly a developer and my systems work is all out of necessity so a
bit weak.

My current development happens on a single server running Apache/PHP/Perl
as well as Solrcloud in the Googlecloud.

Perl and PHP make REST calls to Two collections on the single server
Solrcloud 6.1 @

My thoughts are I can make this a private cloud image and then add servers
if required.

So my question is what is the best way deploy my app server & solr.

Can I just leave my apps making reads from and add each server to
the zone file as www.mydomain.com for round robin

My Solrcloud is populated by a custom spider written in Perl which I
imagine I will only post to the leader.

Am I going sideways?

Many thanks,


List current active Solr settings

2016-07-31 Thread Dominique Bejean

Is there a way to list all the current solr settings ? Something similar to
the MySQL « show variables » command ?

For instance, if I configure the « transientCacheSize » parameter in
solr.xml file, how to be sure this setting was took into account ?

