Re: Solr 1.4 - stats page slow

2010-08-10 Thread entdeveloper
Apologies if this was resolved, but we just deployed Solr 1.4.1 and the stats page takes over a minute to load for us as well and began causing OutOfMemory errors so we've had to refrain from hitting the page. From what I gather, it is the fieldCache part that's causing it. Was there ever an

Re: Plugin Performance Issues

2009-10-28 Thread entdeveloper
This is an issue we experienced a while back. We once again tried to load a custom class as a plugin jar from the lib directory and began experiencing severe memory problems again. The code in our jar wasn't being used at all...the class was only referenced in the schema. I find it strange

Re: Plugin Performance Issues

2009-11-04 Thread entdeveloper
Interesting...I guess I had logically assumed that having type=index meant it wasn't used for query time, but I see why that's not possible. Here's the thing though: We had one field defined using this fieldtype and we deployed the new schema to solr when we started seeing the issue. However,

ord/rord with a function

2012-01-26 Thread entdeveloper
Is it possible for ord/rord to work with a function? I'm attempting to use rord with a spatial function like the following as a bf: bf=rord(geodist()) If there's no way for this to work, is there a way to simulate the same behavior? For some background, I have two sets of documents: one set

Re: omitTermFreq only?

2012-02-01 Thread entdeveloper
I know I'm kind of reopening a closed thread, but I now have the same requirement to omitTermFreq only, but still have the ability to run phrase queries on a field. Thing is, having a custom Similarity and setting tf=1.0f will turn off term frequencies globally, which is not what I need; I'd like

Re: omitTermFreq only?

2012-02-01 Thread entdeveloper
iorixxx wrote Thing is, having a custom Similarity and setting tf=1.0f will turn off term frequencies globally, which is not what I need; I'd like to do it per field. I think, it is possible to use different similarities for different fields.

Re: Multiple Property Substitution

2012-02-23 Thread entdeveloper
*bump* I'm also curious is something like this is possible. Being able to nest property substitution variables, especially when using multiple cores, would be a really slick feature. Zach Friedland wrote Has anyone found a way to have multiple properties (override default)? What I'd

Question Query Detection Strategies?

2011-09-06 Thread entdeveloper
Hi All, Has anyone tackled the challenge of question detection in search using solr? A lot of my users don't do simple keyword searches, but rather ask questions as their queries. For example: what are the business hours? who is the ceo? what's the weather? more information about joe Are there

Selective Result Grouping

2011-10-03 Thread entdeveloper
I'd like to suggest the ability to collapse results in a more similar way to the old SOLR-236 patch that the current grouping functionality doesn't provide. I need the ability to collapse only certain results based on the value of a field, leaving all other results in tact. As an example,

Re: Selective Result Grouping

2011-10-17 Thread entdeveloper
Not necessarily collapse.type=adjacent. That is only when two docs with the same field value appear next to each other. I'm more concerned with the case where we only want a group of a certain type (no matter where the subsequent docs may be), leaving the rest of the documents ungrouped. The

Relevance for MoreLikeThis

2011-10-20 Thread entdeveloper
I'm using the MoreLikeThisHandler to find similar documents. It doesn't immediately appear that there is any way to tweak the relevance for the similar results. By default, it sorts those by how *similar* they are to the original document. However,

Re: Selective Result Grouping

2011-11-01 Thread entdeveloper
Martijn v Groningen-2 wrote: When using the group.field option values must be the same otherwise they don't get grouped together. Maybe fuzzy grouping would be nice. Grouping videos and images based on mimetype should be easy, right? Videos have a mimetype that start with video/ and images

Re: Selective Result Grouping

2011-11-08 Thread entdeveloper
Created an issue in jira for this features: Martijn v Groningen-2 wrote: Ok I think I get this. I think this can be achieved if one could specify a filter inside a group and only documents that pass the filter get grouped. For example only

edismax doesn't obey 'pf' parameter

2011-12-15 Thread entdeveloper
If I switch back and forth between defType=dismax and defType=edismax, the edismax doesn't seem to obey my pf parameter. I dug through the code a little bit and in the ExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin (Solr 3.4/Solr3.5), the part that is supposed to add the phrase comes here: Query phrase =

Re: edismax doesn't obey 'pf' parameter

2011-12-15 Thread entdeveloper
I'm observing strange results with both the correct and incorrect behavior happening depending on which field I put in the 'pf' param. I wouldn't think this should be analyzer specific, but is it? If I try:

Re: SolrCore / Index Searcher Instances

2010-10-04 Thread entdeveloper
Make sense. However, one of the reasons I was asking was that we've configured Solr to use RAMDirectory and it appears that it loads the index into memory twice. I suspect the first time is for warming firstSearcher and the second time is for warming newSearcher. It makes our jvm memory

Update JSON Invalid

2011-06-20 Thread entdeveloper
I'm looking at the wiki article about updating the index with json and the format doesn't seem well formed to me. Technically, yes, it's valid json, but most libraries treat the json objects as maps, and with multiple add elements as the keys, you cannot

Analyzer creates PhraseQuery

2011-06-27 Thread entdeveloper
I have an analyzer setup in my schema like so: analyzer tokenizer class=solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory/ filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/ filter class=solr.NGramFilterFactory minGramSize=1 maxGramSize=2/ /analyzer What's happening is if I index a term like toys and dolls,

Re: Analyzer creates PhraseQuery

2011-06-28 Thread entdeveloper
Thanks guys. Both the PositionFilterFactory and the autoGeneratePhraseQueries=false solutions solved the issue. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Fuzzy Query Param

2011-06-28 Thread entdeveloper
According to the docs on lucene query syntax: Starting with Lucene 1.9 an additional (optional) parameter can specify the required similarity. The value is between 0 and 1, with a value closer to 1 only terms with a higher similarity will be matched. I was messing around with this and started

CopyField into another CopyField?

2011-06-29 Thread entdeveloper
In solr, is it possible to 'chain' copyfields so that you can copy the value of one into another? Example: field name=title ... / field name=author ... / field name=name ... / field name=autocomplete ... / field name=ac_spellcheck ... / copyField source=title dest=autocomplete / copyField

Re: Fuzzy Query Param

2011-06-29 Thread entdeveloper
I'm using Solr trunk. If it's levenstein/edit distance, that's great, that's what I want. It just didn't seem to be officially documented anywhere so I wanted to find out for sure. Thanks for confirming. -- View this message in context:

Grouping / Collapse Query

2011-07-12 Thread entdeveloper
I'm messing around with the field collapsing in 4.x . Is it currently possible to group by a field with a certain value only and leave all the others ungrouped using the group.query param? This currently doesn't seem to work the way I want it to. For

Re: Grouping / Collapse Query

2011-07-13 Thread entdeveloper
I guess that's a possible solution, but the two concerns I would have are 1) putting the burden of sorting on the client instead of solr, where it belongs. And 2) needing to request more results than I'd want to display in order to guarantee I could populate the entire page of results to

Something like 'bf' or 'bq' with MoreLikeThis

2012-06-11 Thread entdeveloper
I'm looking for a way to improve the relevancy of my MLT results. For my index based on movies, the MoreLikeThisHandler is doing a great job of returning related documents by the fields I specify like 'genre', but within my bands of results (groups of documents with the same score cause they all