Confusion around Binary/XML in SolrJ

2009-07-20 Thread Code Tester
I am using solr 1.4 dev in a multicore way. Each of my core's solrconfig.xml has the following lines requestHandler name=/update class=solr.XmlUpdateRequestHandler / requestHandler name=/update/javabin class=solr.BinaryUpdateRequestHandler / I am using SolrJ as EmbeddedSolrServer. When I try to

Re: Confusion around Binary/XML in SolrJ

2009-07-20 Thread Code Tester
(); server.optimize(); Thanks! On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Code Tester wrote: I am using solr 1.4 dev in a multicore way. Each of my core's solrconfig.xml has the following lines requestHandler name=/update class=solr.XmlUpdateRequestHandler / requestHandler name

Re: Confusion around Binary/XML in SolrJ

2009-07-20 Thread Code Tester
! On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Code Tester wrote: Another observation: I am even unable to delete documents using the EmbeddedSolrServer ( on a specific core ) Steps: 1) I have 2 cores ( core0 , core1 ) Each of them have ~10 records. 2

Re: Solr MultiCore query

2009-07-17 Thread Code Tester
Thanks ahammad for the quick reply. As suggested, I am trying out multi core way of implementing the search. I am trying out the multicore example and getting stuck at an issue. Here is what I did and the issue I am facing 1) Downloaded 1.4 and started the multicore example using java

Re: Solr MultiCore query

2009-07-17 Thread Code Tester
Both schema.xml ( in example/multicore/core0/conf and example/multicore/core1/conf ) already have * defaultSearchFieldname/defaultSearchField* Here are the following query responses: 1) http://localhost:8983/solr/core0/select?shards=localhost:8983/solr/core0,localhost:8983/solr/core1q=*:*