
I have recently started using query-time synonym searching, and hava
configured a field with the SynonymGraphFilterFactory to handle multi-term
synonyms. All has worked well for simple (non quoted) queries, as well as
for exact sequences (quoted) queries.
However, I do not seem to get synonyms working with phrase proximity

For example, if I search for:
"mother grandmother"~8 and there is a file indexed with the content "Then
my mother and my grandmother went outside".

It would normally find fields where mother and grandmother are up to 8
words apart, matching the file above.
However, if "grandmother" has "grand mother" configured as a synonym, the
proximity search won't return anything (either searching "mother
grandmother"~8 or "mother grand mother"~8)
Searching for "mother and my grandmother"~8 returns the correct result.

Is it a known bug that SynonymGraphFilterFactory doesn't handle phrase
proximity searches?

Here are my configurations:


<fieldType name="text_pt_synonyms_ascii_minimal_lightStem"
class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">

<analyzer type="index">

<tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" format="snowball"
words="lang/stopwords_pt.txt" ignoreCase="true"/>
<filter class="solr.PortugueseLightStemFilterFactory"/></analyzer>

<analyzer type="query">

<tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/><filter
<filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" format="snowball"
words="lang/stopwords_pt.txt" ignoreCase="true"/><filter
class="solr.ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory" preserveOriginal="true"/>
<filter class="solr.SynonymGraphFilterFactory" expand="true"
ignoreCase="true" synonyms="synonyms_radex.txt"/>
<filter class="solr.PortugueseLightStemFilterFactory"/></analyzer>


Thank you


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