
I'm new to Lucene/SOLR and I'm researching if SOLR would fit to our case
requirements. I would be very happy if You could help me :).

We have a database storing some (mostly) text information. There are
elements containing multiple sections of information. Each section is
stored separately. This section content would be Solr document. Section
content can be any number of text paragraphs - usually it is less than 200
words. We have a dictionary of terms - currently 1600 items and there will
be more. Term might be a single word or phrase - 3 to 4 words.

Task: find if terms occur in single section. Found terms must be
distinguished. In query result there is (highlighted?) found terms

I know that Solr is perfect for searching items in large amounts of data,
but (1.) *will it cope (reasonably fast) with searching many items in a
small bit of information?*

Additional info: Solr instance will be accessed from one of .NET clients.
Query text and indexed text will be stemmed.

2. I suppose it isn’t possible to perform search with 1600 search items
like: “term_1” “term_2” … “term_N” at once, is it?
3. Is Lucene/Solr capable of performing simultaneous 1600 queries in
separate threads?
4. Can I store a query, so that its content won’t be stemmed again
unnecessarily? Terms dictionary won’t be changed frequently.

I would be glad for any help.

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