Solrsharp now supports query debugging.  This is enabled through the
debugQuery and explainOther parameters.

A DebugResults object is referenced by a SearchResults instance and provides
all the debugging information that is available through these parameters,
such as:

   - QueryString and ParsedQuery string values
   - Array of ExplanationRecord objects
   - OtherQuery value (if provided)
   - Array of ExplanationRecord objects supporting the OtherQuery value

The ExplanationRecord object provides the details of the debug results,
specifically including the ExplainInfo string (the debug analysis payload)
and a reference to the UniqueRecordKey of the evaluated record.  The
UniqueRecordKey, though returned as a string, could then be cast
appropriately to reference the matching SearchRecord referenced by the same
SearchResults instance.

The example program with the source code has been updated to show how to
make use of these properties.  If any issues are found, please log them to
JIRA and associate them with the "C# client" component.

jeff r.

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