Hi Folks, I've started on Solr World short time ago, I've been working on
some filter query changes, the most of question that I've had i could
understand, reading this forum, thanks a lot.

I've a situation, on my schema there are 2 fields that I've to check:
latestEventDate and dateCreated.

By default when the user opens my search page, it should bring all documents
with range between 1 ago and now.
latestEventDate:([NOW-1YEAR TO NOW])

but I should also retrieve documents that don't have any value on
latestEventDate, I mean with null value.

next I've to check when the user clicks on search, it should retrieve all
documents with the date range selected, but for documents which don't have
value on latestEventDate my query should filter on dateCreated.
if(latestEventDate != null){
 // Search on latestEventDate
  // Search on dateCreated

Hopefully I could be clear on my explanation, any help is gonna be welcome.
I hope as soon as possible be able to help other guys here.

Thanks a lot.

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